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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Toads, Prison and Power

Have you seen an increase in toads recently? (Not nice looking frogs like the one shown!). How do we deal with this toad issue? The public deal with it by driving over them late at night. Then the roads are full of blood and guts...
Thanks to some of the guys from the Berrimah prison, who recently came and mowed the lawns of our property. Gave them all a Pepsi Max. Thanks again to Correctional services.
National Youth Week is coming up. End of March (28th) there are youth events happening near the Palmerston Library.
Darwin Power Crisis: That's what NT News call it. Underground piping was recently installed in Millner. Apparently most of new Palmerston suburbs have underground power. Should not ALL the suburbs be or have been installed with underground power? Tropical weather, high winds, falling palm branches, etc, etc. It would lower the risk of blackouts in the suburbs. I don't want to lose my freezer full of meat!
Palmerston Daily: Local News, Local Issues, Local Voices. Any comments - Comment here? Or Email:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pete,

    Good to hear of your adventures and thoughts about the Territory. It's definately a special place. All the best

    Cam Stark
