Palmerston Business and Community Search

Friday, February 20, 2009

Adopt a bus shelter - Graffiti Management

The Palmerston Neighbourhood Watch newletter tells of a couple of volunteers in Malak who have adopted a bus shelter and they paint it and fix it up as soon as it gets graffiti on it. Nice idea. The Department of Planning and Infrastructure supply the paint, and a couple of committed volunteers do the rest. From my experience, when you eradicate graffiti quickly, and consistently, the offenders move on.
The newletter asks that if you are interested in the graffiti clean up program coming to Palmerston, to contact NHW. Their details: or: Tommi Husband - 0407 189 143

Palmerston Council will supply residents and businesses with the necessary resources to remove graffiti (after they report it to the cops - 131 444). Lets do our part to make Palmerston the place to live!!

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